Monday, February 14, 2011


I'm sure that today many people asked themselves if "he loves me, or loves me not?" I have asked myelf the same question today and I've just realised that he doesn't. This Valentine I should really let go of the love of my life because clearly he now no longer feels the way that I feel about him! Its pointless being in love with some one who no longer cares for you or even values you! It is a difficult decision but I have to be strong and accept it so that my life can carry on! Life goes on, so I'll survive!

Happy Valentine All...
Sistergal xoxoxo...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is there love without any money?

I'm just wondering if there really any true love out there? My high school zulu teacher used to ask us, "if you love a man, what do you love him for?" Do you love that man for his looks, charms, chrisma, personality or money? Lately I have realised that in the past I have dated most men because of their wallets. And when I did date those men, I would be happy for a short while and I would enjoy spending time with my man when money was used. If money wasn't used, I wouldn't be happy...Basically I was a material girl! But as the years have gone by, I have realised that money does not bring happiness, because you can be extremely rich but emotionally you  are a tortured soul! Money makes the world go round, but it does not BUY HAPPINESS!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Ladies, this blog is for us! It is here so that we can all share our problems, achievements or anything we want to share. Hopefully this blog will help us to build strong relationships with ourselves, parteners, family and friends. I'll try by all means to be very active on this blog, each free minute i get i will surely dedicate here!

I hope that our blogging  experience will be one filled with much fun and excitment!

Yours sincerely
Sistergal xoxo...